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How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell

Did you know your product descriptions can be part of your marketing strategy? Here’s how to write descriptions that motivate your audience. Key takeaways:

The Truth (And Numbers) Behind Short-Form and Long-Form Content

Which is better, short or long content? The truth is, you need both, and you need to focus more on what your audience wants and needs. Key takeaways:

How to Build a Content Strategy for Your Shopping Site

Incorporating content marketing into your eCommerce business is a free way to generate leads and encourage conversions. Here are tips for creating your..

How to Write the Perfect Sales Letter

The perfect sales letter connects with people and inspires them to buy a product or service. But where do you start? Check out these six ways to do it right. ..

Organic vs. Paid Traffic: Which Is Better?

Both paid and organic traffic can help your business attract leads. But putting a greater focus on organic will help you establish credibility and trust to..

Marketing in times of crisis

How your company responds during a negative situation says a lot about it. Here’s how to handle marketing in times of crisis. Key takeaways: How to Respond in..

What’s the Difference Between an Entrepreneur and a Small Business Owner?

Small business owners and entrepreneurs aren’t always the same thing. Learn why. Key takeaways