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Content Marketing

Bacon Bits of Wisdom: The 2023 Roundup

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As we wrap up another year of innovative ideas and insightful strategies, it's time to take a journey through our 2023 article collection. 

This is more than just articles; it's a testament to the power of compelling storytelling. So, let's embark on this enlightening journey through our most impactful pieces. Gear up to relive the moments that made 2023 a remarkable year in content, and get a glimpse of the exciting horizon that 2024 promises!


Marketing Mastery

SEO Like a Pro: How to Appear in Google Search Results
From Bacon to Marketing Messaging: The Importance of the 5-Second Rule
5 Tips for Building Searchable Content That Gets Noticed
Does Content Writing Matter for My Industry?
How Live Event Content Can Promote Your Shindig and Generate Hype
How COVID-19 Led to a Video Marketing Renaissance
Measuring the Impact of Content Marketing on Revenue Generation
Unlocking Email Potential: How Your Email List Can Drive Business Success
Why Strategic Content Creation and Conversion Optimization Matter for Your Business
How to Use Data-Driven Insights for Conversion Tracking to Align Content Strategy with Revenue Generation
Understanding Marketing Performance Metrics for Conversion Gains
Maximizing Content ROI and Marketing Attribution: How to Turn One Video into 50 Pieces of Marketing Analytics: The Secret to Creating Content that Converts
Why Flywheel Marketing Means Nothing Without the Buyer Journey
Mastering the Art of Email Marketing: Strategies, Subject Lines, and Avoiding Spam
The Ultimate Guide to Building, Nurturing, and Automating Your Email List
Grasping Audience-Centric Content: Understand Your Audience and Nurture Buyer Personas


Business Brilliance

From Page to Profit: The 15 Best Business Books for Entrepreneurial Minds
Think Like a CEO: How to Explain Martech Solutions to Decision-Makers
What’s the Difference Between an Entrepreneur and a Small Business Owner?
What These Advertising Metrics Say About Your Campaign
Be Genuine, Be Agile: What the Pandemic Taught Us About Marketing
How Outrageous Customer Service Leads to Customer Retention and Business Success


Niche Know-How

Puff, Puff, Publish: A Guide to Writing Compelling Cannabis Content
Your Guide to Effective Cannabis Marketing
How to Make Tech and Marketing Teams Speak the Same Language
Rise of the Machines: Pros and Cons of AI for Content Writing
How AI-Powered Content Can Revolutionize Your ROI
Implementing Content Management Systems to Streamline Content Ops
How Long-Tail Keywords Unlock Content Performance
Generative AI and the New Search Experience


Data-Driven Decisions

How to Beat Content Inertia and Build Momentum with the Flywheel
Defining the Buyer’s Journey: 15 Questions to Nail Down the Problem and Solution


Personal Branding

Personal Branding for Professionals: The Intel You Need to Know
How Establishing a Strong Online Presence on Social Media Can Amplify Your Personal Brand and Attract Customers
Social Media Branding: How to Engage Customers With Your Personal Narrative
Want to Try Influencer Marketing but Not Sure How to Measure Its ROI?


Copywriting Creativity

How Do You Write a Product Selling Sheet? Take Your Product Sheet From Bland to Brilliant in 4 Steps
How to Write Content That People Can't Help but Read
How to Use Social Media as a Feedback Tool to Understand Customer Preferences


Looking Ahead: What's Next for 2024

What a ride it's been!

We've journeyed through the peaks of marketing wisdom and dived deep into the valleys of business insights. As we close the book on 2023, we're buzzing with anticipation for what 2024 has in store. 

Expect more groundbreaking ideas, trendsetting strategies, and, of course, a dash of ContentBacon flair. Keep an eye on our Bacon Bits to see what’s in store and stay connected as we continue to navigate the exciting world of content marketing. Here's to an innovative, inspiring, and impactful 2024!

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