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How Live Event Content Can Promote Your Shindig and Generate Hype

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Event content is your wingman. Here's how to create it, distribute it, and have everyone counting down the days until showtime.

Key Takeaways:

  • Event content includes text, images, videos, and podcasts and is a major part of generating anticipation for your live event. 
  • Effective event content boosts audience engagement, increases awareness, reaches new audiences, and assists with booking sales. 
  • You need to create an event content strategy through research, goal setting, content curation, and building out a timeline to guide your next steps. 
  • You can maximize event hype by leveraging influencer partnerships, watching trends, and crafting timely campaigns.

Are you looking to generate some serious hype for your upcoming live event? Well, you're in luck, because event content is your secret weapon.

Content is the story that you're trying to share with your audience, so event content is the story of your shindig. By creating and sharing engaging content, you can get your target audience pumped to attend. Event content gives the potential audience a sneak peek into what they can expect, and it'll have them counting down the days until they can experience it all for themselves.

You can use pretty much any type of content to promote your event, including text, images, videos, and podcasts. The secret to effectiveness is understanding when and where to use each. Video content is an awesome way to spread post-event awareness, for example, while podcasts with guest speakers can build excitement in the weeks leading up to the event. 

Don’t stop at just promoting your event, either! Content can actually influence the way the event goes and how people interact with the experience after it’s over. It can engage your audience, spread awareness, reach new audiences, and even help you book sales meetings ahead of time.

Basically, content is the Swiss army knife of event promotion. It’s the one little tool you need to get everything done. Let’s dig into how to use it effectively. 


How to use each type of event content

The key to getting the most out of your event content is using it the right way and in the right places. If you use the wrong type of content for raising event awareness (sending out an infographic instead of a text email as an event reminder, for example), it could come off as lackluster. 


Text content

Text content is about as straightforward as content can possibly get. It can include:

  • Event descriptions
  • Guest speaker bios
  • Location details
  • Schedule details 
  • Event reminders 
  • FAQs 

Answering some burning questions from potential attendees? Need to send reminder emails? Text is the way to go if you need to convey something that’s ultra-important. Nobody’s gonna watch a reminder video! 


Image content

We’re visual creatures, so it makes sense that images are an important part of building hype with content. The types of image content for events include:

  • Promotional posters
  • Event photos (from years past or during the current event)
  • Infographics 
  • Visual schedules 
  • Venue maps

Basically, there are two reasons you’d use image content: You need to capture your potential attendees’ attention, or you need to convey something that won’t be easy to show or describe in other formats. 


Video content

This type of content is super popular because it’s easy to digest, especially if it’s a short video (thanks, TikTok). It’s also more dynamic and immersive than other types of content and is truly its own experience. 

Video content can include:

  • Event highlights (from years past or current)
  • Speaker interviews
  • Event previews
  • Venue sneak peeks 

Video is great if you want to show your audience something you’re excited for them to experience, like clips of a previous event that will give them a peak at the upcoming one’s vibe. 


Podcast content

Want your potential attendees to feel like you’re talking specifically to them? Podcast content is definitely the way to go. This type of content can include:

  • Speaker interviews
  • Event previews
  • Event insights

There’s some overlap here with video, but podcasts are a deeper dive and tend to be on the longer side. They’re the content of choice when you’re trying to reach someone who actually wants a longer listening experience. 


The benefits of using event content

Engagement is all about creating valuable and informative content experiences that are so enticing that your potential attendees can’t resist. The right event content lets you pull off an event that people talk about long after it ends. Here’s how to get that important effect:


Engage event audiences

Event content engages target audiences by providing them with valuable and informative content that they'll want to consume. You can get people engaged by using event content such as:

  • Sneak peek videos
  • Video highlights
  • Speaker interviews
  • Event posters 

By sharing content that people actually want, organizers create a strong connection with their audience, build trust, and generate event buzz.


Spread event awareness

Make sure people actually know the important stuff, such as what your event is and why you’re doing it. Not to mention the logistical stuff, like the location and the schedule of speakers.  

You can get potential attendees buzzing by using:

  • Email drips
  • Event posters
  • Organizer podcasts
  • Venue videos 
  • Venue maps 

All of these elements can get information into your attendees’ hands so they have all the details they need to sign up, engage, and stay excited about what’s to come. 


Reach new event audiences

Reach new audiences and expand your reach by leveraging collaborations with influencers and thought leaders. Some great ways to do this include: 

  • Influencer videos
  • Email drips
  • Thought leadership podcasts 
  • Guest appearances on industry podcasts
  • Viral videos 

Guests can then share event content with their followers, which gives you access to new audiences you wouldn't have reached otherwise.


Book preemptive sales meetings

You can also use content to book sales meetings and connect with potential attendees before the event even takes place. By creating content such as emails, landing pages, and demos, you can provide potential attendees with valuable event details and cement your reputation. 

Use types of content such as: 

  • Cold emails
  • Landing pages
  • Gated content
  • Video demos
 This can generate interest and book sales meetings, which helps you build relationships with potential attendees and increase attendance at the event.


4 steps to create an effective event content strategy

Now you know which content to use and why, but do you know how to create a content strategy that propels your event to new heights? Here’s a four-step framework for a basic, yet effective event content strategy: 


1. Conduct research

Before creating any content, do some research and make sure you really understand the target audience. That means digging into their interests, preferences, and pain points, as well as their preferred channels for consuming content. Do you truly know who your audience is and what they want? 


2. Decide goals

Once you’ve found your target audience, it’s time to figure out the goals of your content strategy so you know what you’re aiming at. Your goals could include:

  • Increasing attendance over previous years
  • Generating social success (e.g. reaching 1,000 mentions on social media)
  • Reaching new audiences, which you can measure by asking attendees where they found the event 

Those are just a few examples. You can and should track any key performance indicators (KPIs) you want or need here to measure your event’s success. 


3. Curate content

Now’s the hard part: Which content do you need and why? For every piece of content you plan, ask yourself: How does this further my progress toward the goal? Will potential attendees respond to this? Then, select topics, speakers, and formats that appeal to the audience and drive engagement.


4. Create a plan

Once you know the target audience and goals, you can create a plan for content creation. This can include:

  • Your content marketing budget
  • Themes, titles, or topics for content
  • A content calendar for writing and editing
  • A publication or distribution timeline

At the same time, plan who on your team is going to own each task in the pipeline. You should know who’s going to make sure you’re under budget, who’s going to strategize the content themes, and who’s going to handle distribution. (Unless that’s all you, jack-of-all-trades.)


Tips for growing the event hype

There are two big ways you can keep the event hype building. 

The first is by leveraging partnerships with the important people in your circle, including influencers and industry leaders. If those people aren’t yet in your circle, get ‘em in there! Reach out and ask for a guest blog post or a guest podcast spot. There’s no better way to amplify reach and awareness than by opening up your audience to new people. 

The second is by creating timely campaigns based on the biggest trends out there. If you’re running a content marketing conference, capitalize on the current artificial intelligence trend by snagging a relevant guest speaker. Then, promote the crap out of their guest spot. Literally, everyone in your industry should know that an AI expert is going to be on your panel. 


Keep the event content flowing after it all wraps up

You’re actually not done when the event closes its doors and everyone goes home. In fact, far from it! Now’s the time to follow up on what just happened to keep people talking and loop in those who might have missed the event. 

After the event wraps, you should: 

  • Send out an email blast with recording links for anyone who may have missed certain speaker sessions (or the whole thing)
  • Continue to post highlights from the event on social media, especially short video tidbits that could go viral
  • Solicit feedback from attendees so you can repost the most flattering ones (and act on any constructive criticism when you’re planning next year) 


One thing’s for sure, event content must sizzle

Strategy and execution are top of mind, but you also have to stop to consider the quality of the event content you use. 

A poster that looks like it was designed in 2004 is not really going to communicate that your event is a trendsetter. If your email reminders are 2,000 words long with the relevant info at the very bottom, then nobody’s going to read them. 

That’s why you need to work with content experts who can build the event content you need with quality at the forefront. You simply can’t promote an event with lackluster content. Now’s the time to pull out the big guns and use the best content you can. 

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