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SEO & Digital Marketing

How to Use Data-Driven Insights for Conversion Tracking to Align Content Strategy with Revenue Generation

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Ready to learn how conversion tracking and marketing metrics can improve your content approach? Here’s why you need them so you can see your revenue grow.

Key Takeaways:

  • Conversion tracking helps you discover how a lead converted so you can assess their behavior.
  • Tracking metrics such as conversion rate, average order value, and customer lifetime value help you find out how content and conversions are connected to revenue.
  • Focus on steps like conducting keyword research and developing targeted, optimized content to improve your content approach. 

Unsure how your content strategy aligns with revenue generation? It can be a big challenge to know exactly how impactful your content efforts are in getting conversions and building revenue. But, they’re very intertwined.

What you need is conversion tracking and data-driven insights. Conversion tracking helps you understand how leads and customers interact with your content when they convert. Data tells you about your content strategy’s current status so you can tweak as necessary. 

Let’s talk more about important strategies for nailing down those insights and understanding how it all aligns to your revenue generation goals.


What is conversion tracking?

First on the list is conversion tracking. It’s a pretty simple concept: You’re tracking what someone is doing along their path to conversion, but that conversion doesn’t always mean they bought something. It means they took the desired action after seeing your ad or reading your newsletter, for instance.

Here are a few need-to-know methods for conversion tracking:

  • Tracking pixels
    These pieces of code can help you track user behavior on your website, like what they click on.
  • URL tracking parameters
    This is code that’s added to the end of a URL to help you track how your campaigns are performing. You can uncover the source of a click, the campaign, the content, and more.
  • Call tracking
    Similarly, call tracking allows you to figure out where calls came from, such as ads or webpages.

So, why try out these kinds of strategies? They help you measure the success of your campaigns, for starters. You can track where leads are coming from to see what kinds of content are working, helping you identify high-performing channels. This, in turn, helps you optimize marketing spend. 


Tracking customer conversions

You likely know that your biggest goal with content marketing is getting customers to convert. You’re putting out social posts, ads, newsletters, blogs, and more, and all to get people to do something like buy your product or subscribe to your channel. 

This is all well and good, but how do you know how many people are converting? Or how or why they’re converting?

You need the right marketing metrics. These are great examples of the best metrics for tracking customer conversions and seeing how they relate to revenue:

  • Conversion rate
    Of course, you need to know the rate that people are converting. You can find this rate by dividing the number of conversions by the total interactions, then multiplying by 100.
  • Average order value (AOV)
    AOV tells you the average amount customers spend. Divide revenue by the number of orders you received in a period.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
    CLV tells you your net profit for each customer throughout that customer’s relationship with your brand. You multiply your customer value by the average time a customer stays with you.

You can quickly and easily track these metrics and more using tools like a customer relationship management (CRM) system or Google Analytics. If you have a specific goal in mind, you can even set up custom tracking tools to take a closer look at the most applicable metrics.


Incorporating data-driven insights

The right metrics tell you a ton about content marketing performance. Gathering and analyzing all that data allows you to make better business decisions based on facts and insights.

The top places to get this data specifically for your content strategy include your website, social media channels, and customer feedback tactics such as surveys. Make sure you’re using the tracking tools available to you on your website and social media, then analyze how metrics are changing over time. Sending out a quick survey helps you learn how you’re doing directly from your audience’s mouths.

Then, you can leverage everything you’ve learned to uncover ways to boost revenue. Metrics help you:

  • Identify content gaps and additional opportunities to reach people
  • Personalize content to inspire your target audience
  • Optimize your content distribution channels so you’re focusing on all the right places

These perks show just how much data can empower you and your content.


How to align your content strategy with revenue generation

Your content strategy – your channels, posting frequency, content writing and planning, and brand voice – is a major driver of business growth. That’s why you need to factor in how your content can help you meet your goals when you’re trying to generate revenue, plus identify how it might be standing in the way so you can fix it.

These four steps will help you align your strategy with your revenue generation goals:

  1. Conduct keyword research

One of the best things you can do is understand what people are searching for. You need your content to be discoverable and to rank well on Google’s SERP. Keywords help you improve performance, so do research with tools like SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner.

  1. Develop targeted content topics

Your content needs to do more than inform the masses. It needs to create a spark with your target audience, and that can only happen when you understand them and what they want. Create topics you know they’re interested in – then use those keywords you identified to help.

  1. Create compelling and optimized content

Think about ads or posts you see on a regular basis. What catches your attention? What do you basically ignore? Get inside the head of your audience and think about what language would pull them in. Make sure your headings and blurbs are always concise and compelling.

  1. Promote content effectively

Make sure your content is reaching the right people. Use the channels you know people connect with when promoting. Use ad tools that help give your content a boost and connect with the right keywords on Google searches.

You also need to understand how content performance impacts your bottom line. This takes tracking engagement metrics – such as clicks, likes, comments, conversions, views, engagements, and more – for every single piece of content. Analyze conversion data and pull insights from it. Then, you can optimize your content strategy and keep doing what works. When your strategy is optimized, you’ll generate more revenue in no time.


Does your content need a boost? We can help.

Part of a stellar content strategy is putting in the work to ensure high-quality, amazing content. All of your channels need images, videos, and copy that goes above and beyond.

We can help you with that at ContentBacon. Our experts will dig into what makes you, you and will pull together a winning content strategy to wow your target audience. 

Contact us to learn more about implementing conversion tracking and a data-driven content strategy.

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