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SEO & Digital Marketing

How COVID-19 Led to a Video Marketing Renaissance

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We’re in the Golden Age of video marketing – and with it come the challenges of video fatigue and stiff competition. Here’s what to know to make it work for you. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Video marketing has become the go-to medium for engaging customers since the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Businesses of all sizes and in every industry are increasingly using video, with a 30% jump in video marketing from 2016 to 2023.
  • Video marketers must embrace emerging trends and technologies such as bite-sized video, live streaming, and interactive video.
  • The returns on video marketing are higher than ever, with statistics showing it can help generate more leads, increase traffic, and boost brand awareness.
  • To cut through video fatigue, video marketers must give audiences the content they want to see.

We’ll never experience as many life- and work-changing transitions in such a short time as we have during the COVID-19 pandemic. The rise of remote everything has meant that video marketing is now the go-to medium for engaging with customers. 

Video marketing used to be a tool reserved for big businesses with big budgets, but just about every company is using video these days – no matter the size or industry. The State of Video Marketing 2023 report by Wyzowl recently found that "91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, up from 61% in 2016"

Let’s repeat that: There’s been a 30% jump in video marketing. That’s an absolutely insane change! These days, if you’re not using video, somebody’s going to look at you like you grew a second head (or got stuck in the original Web 2.0).  

There is such a thing as too much video, however. Fatigue is setting in as audiences are pummeled with an endless stream of virtual events and online content, so "harnessing the power of video means you have to be creative and put out video content that your audience actually wants to see"

The world’s default video marketing strategy is evolving, and yours must move and flow as well. So grab your camera, adjust your lighting, and get ready to create video content for a post-pandemic world! 

The rise of video marketing post-pandemic

You just can’t ignore what’s happening with video marketing now that the pandemic has turned the world on its head. The world is trending back to normal, but the new focus on video marketing remains. 

The numbers don’t lie

  • 91% of marketers agree that videos became an important marketing tool during the pandemic 
  • 83% of marketers say videos help them generate more leads 
  • 78% of businesses say videos increase traffic 
  • 70% of businesses say videos boost brand awareness

There’s no question about it, the returns on video marketing are higher than ever. 

One example of successful video marketing was the Open for Takeout campaign launched by the California Restaurant Association (CRA). The pandemic forced many restaurants to close their doors or limit their capacity, and the CRA saw an opportunity to support their members by promoting takeout and delivery services. They did this by creating a series of short videos featuring popular California chefs and restaurant owners and encouraging people to order takeout from their favorite local spots. 

By tapping into people's love of food and community, the Open for Takeout campaign was able to drive engagement and support for local businesses during a challenging time. The campaign was a huge success, with thousands of people sharing the videos and using the hashtag #OpenForTakeout to show their support. The campaign generated more than 300 million impressions, according to the CRA, and many participating restaurants reported a large increase in takeout and delivery orders.

Cutting through the fog of video fatigue

Just about everyone is exposed to a constant barrage of video content, some of it relevant and a lot of it not. Our attention spans can’t handle that, so we build unconscious defenses that allow us to ignore videos without even thinking about it. 

That’s video fatigue at work, and it affects nearly everybody. You have to see your video content from your audience’s perspective and assume that they also have video fatigue. The best way to cut through it is by getting into your audience’s head and giving them the content they want to see. Video marketers must embrace emerging trends and technologies such as bite-sized video, live streaming, and interactive video oto keep their audiences from scrolling past. 

Follow these video marketing trends for the win

Video marketing trends are trends for a reason: They reflect what’s already been tested to death, so you know it works. Viewers in 2023 want to see content that’s worth their time, which could mean a sophisticated format or ultra-short length. Here’s what they want to see:

  • Bite-sized video
    Most videos are under a minute long. It’s asking too much of your viewers to keep their attention for much longer (See: TikTok), so focus on packing as much value as possible into a minute or two.
  • Live streaming
    Despite all those Zoom meetings, audiences still have a love for the “live event” feel you get during a live stream. People want to feel connected to your brand, and a live stream makes them feel like they’re part of something bigger.
  • Interactive video
    People want to feel like they’re having a personalized experience just for them. You can provide that with interactive video, which puts the viewer in the driver’s seat by giving them options to change the course of the video.

The most important thing is to keep your audience in mind when creating, and that includes both the style of the video and the content itself. That requires digging into your audience and truly getting to know what they want and need from your content.

How to make sure your video content excels

With so many videos vying for attention, you have to find ways to stand out from the crowd or risk getting lost in the noise. You can create video content that’s a step above the rest by following these tips:

  • Know your audience
    Get inside your viewers’ heads and figure out what they care about most. Are they looking for entertainment, information, or inspiration? Once you've identified their needs and desires, you can create content that speaks directly to them.
  • Use your imagination
    Experiment with different styles, formats, and storytelling techniques to capture your audience's attention. Whether it's animation, humor, or a touch of quirkiness, find a way to make your videos unforgettable.
  • Pay attention to quality
    You don't need a Hollywood-level production team, but taking the time to ensure your videos are well-lit, well-edited, and have good sound quality can make a world of difference. Don't skimp on equipment or post-production. Instead, invest in creating a polished final product.
  • Measure your ROI
    Keep an eye on metrics like views, engagement, clicks, and conversion rates, and use the data to continually improve your content. Then, A/B test different video lengths, platforms, and CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience.

Research and planning are key to creating the types of video content your audience will like, but you don’t have to go alone. If you’re bogged down with too much on your plate or aren’t sure where to begin, it might be time to call in the experts. 

Kickstart your content game

The key to success lies in both creating engaging content that stands out from the crowd and understanding the evolving landscape of video marketing. Embracing trends like bite-sized video, live streaming, and interactive video can help you stay ahead of the curve and build meaningful connections with your audience.

While video marketing has a stellar ROI, it is a little more labor-intensive than some other forms of content. If you need help getting your strategy off the ground, ContentBacon has got your back. Our sizzlin’ team of pro strategists, editors, writers, and designers will whip up all the tasty content you need to make your marketing strategy soar.

 Let’s talk about how to transform your marketing results! 

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