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Why Does Content Quality Matter for Search Performance?

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Your readers want quality content from you, but so does Google. Here’s why value-added content helps you rank higher.



More companies are turning to content marketing to generate leads and increase their bottom lines, and it’s not hard to see why. Content not only costs less than traditional marketing methods (62%, to be exact), but also addresses one very important desire for audiences: personalization. 

Focusing on content means you can give your existing and potential customers valuable information that teaches them something or solves a problem for them. This shows that you understand their wants, needs, and desires and want to help.

Google wants to show this kind of valuable content to people who search for something online. The way to get your info at the top of the search results page is to focus on high-quality, value-added content.

What is value-added content?

When a potential customer searches online about something in your industry, you can spark their interest (and rank well) by focusing on value-added content. This ensures you’re putting out information they just can’t get anywhere else, show them solutions to their problems, and answer their questions.

This kind of content requires continual posting, though. It has to be relevant and timely, so pay attention to changing trends. It’s important that you keep churning out valuable content so you keep up with customers’ changing preferences and needs.

Adding value is one way to ensure quality online content, alongside:

  • Producing well-written, error-free copy
  • Assigning writing and editing tasks to the experts
  • Creating audience profiles so you fully understand your targets
  • Implementing SEO best practices such as keywords, anchor text, meta tags, and links

Value-added content works in conjunction with these other tactics to help you produce copy that search engines want to highlight and people want to read.

How quality impacts search performance

So, why does quality matter so much when it comes to getting noticed? Can’t you just write a few tidbits quickly, throw in some keywords, and call it good? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Today’s search engine algorithms are always improving. 
  • They can quickly detect poor quality, spam, and irrelevant copy that users won’t want to look at. 
  • Google doesn’t want to show posts with typos or nothing meaningful for specific search terms. 

Another point to remember is that certain types of valuable content – how-to articles or listicles (e.g. 10 Quick Ways to Eat Healthier) – perform especially well with search engines. They’re easy for audiences to read, and the value is clear in the heading, subheadings, and takeaways at the beginning. Others like news articles, Q&As, and product launches can also help you drive traffic and get noticed by Google.

4 quick tips for value-added content

Now we’ll leave you with some quick and easy tips on how you can focus more on quality and combine SEO best practices to boost your traffic and results:

1. Include data

Doing research and linking to reports and studies can help your content’s quality according to Google’s standards. Bring in stats from reputable sources, since Google pays attention to the sites you link to.

2. Include a clear CTA

It should always be clear exactly how your content is related to your brand. It is pretty simple to add a concise call to action (CTA) that outlines how you can help your readers fix the problems they just read about. Before writing a post, ask yourself what is my marketing goal with this content? That will help you create an irresistible CTA.

3. Don’t be too salesy

Even with a clear CTA, you never want to sound overly salesy or disingenuous. Readers and Google alike can tell if your blog post is really just a long ad pressuring readers to act. Always make sure that you add value for people so it’s not all about your brand – even if you’re encouraging a purchase or other action.

4. Get professional help

To have the most well-written writing, you need a professional writer or writing agency you can depend on for quality every time. Content should be sharp, relevant, error-free, matched to your brand voice, and optimized for online readers in your industry.

5. Do plenty of keyword research

You may know that keywords are important, but are you using the right ones? It takes actual research into what real people are searching for. Use a tool like Semrush or Google Ads Keyword Planner to discover hot words and phrases for your key products and topics. This helps you boost your results and connect with meaningful leads.

How ContentBacon helps your content perform

Sometimes you need a content expert to step in and help you implement the right practices so you get continuous, quality content. That’s why you need a partner like ContentBacon. Our expert marketers, writers, editors, and strategists know how to get your copy noticed with all the right SEO and value-added content tactics. It’s what we do every day, so we can help your brand get the results you want. 

Contact the ContentBacon team to learn more about our monthly subscription plans, which allow you to pay for the services you need and scale when you’re ready.

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