There’s always a price to pay for artificial growth.
It’s good for you.
That’s what products on the shelves at your favorite organic grocery store shout at you as you stroll down the aisles. What does “organic” mean? A quick hop over to the dictionary tells you it’s a characteristic applied to something having the characteristics of an organism that was developed in the manner of a living plant or animal. In other words, it got no “help.” Especially artificial assistance in the form of chemicals to make it grow faster or bigger; or to assist it in fighting off whatever Mother Nature sends to munch on it.
In our marketing ecosystem, “organic” basically means the same. Applied to SEO, it means creating directed website traffic that’s free of unpaid strategies and tools to elevate content in a search engine’s free search results.
Whether it’s food or search engine rankings, organic is good for you. Here’s why.
The best things in life are free
Same thing in SEO. The opposite of organic SEO search traffic is Pay Per Click (PPC). On the plus side, PPC works like chemical fertilizers do. You get a big bump in traffic growth. There’s a hidden price to pay for those Google Adwords, though. If you want to keep using them, you’ll pay more for them over time.
Organic food-growers eschew artificial means of stimulating growth because of the same diminishing returns. You pay little or nothing to employ organic SEO strategies. Search rankings build slower, but you don’t have to pay increasing costs to maintain them.
The truth will set you free
Organic produce is aesthetically less than perfect. In a twist of buyer psychology, this works in its favor. We place higher value on organic produce because we know it’s free of any effort to make it more than it aspires to be.
So, there’s your website on the search result page, bare of any PPC adornment. It got there all by itself without any help, thank you. It exclaims to prospects, “This content has a high degree of authority because its creator didn’t try to buy credibility for it.”
Because Uncle G says so
The organic food industry must live with the Monsantos of their world, who by size and influence call the shots. In our world, we dance to Google’s tune. Google tells us that organic SEO is music to its ears. We cue the violins.
The reward for doing what Google prefers is…well, preferential treatment. The search giant places less value on paid SEO. In an ironic twist of page rank fate, the more you attempt to use artificial means to boost your results, the less loving you’ll get from Google.
A pat on the back from Uncle G isn’t the only reward for your organic approach to SEO. People have strong opinions about organic products. What you see is what you get. Marketing for organic products reflects this philosophy. They don’t play customer acquisition games by making tenuous attachments. Let’s go after keywords related to motor oil made from real dinosaurs. People who buy organic products probably don’t want synthetic motor oil. We need to get our product in front of them.
Don’t laugh. There are people who make their living by coming up with insane 6-degrees-of-separation reasons to buy a fleet of keywords to launch a campaign. The results are like those gorgeous non-organic tomatoes you see at the supermarket. Practically everything about them is artificially induced. They fly off the shelves, but most those who fall under their superficial spell will never buy another.
Organic produce-growers prefer generating demand for their products by marketing only to people who already want them. Organic SEO strategy follows suit. Website traffic has a much higher conversion rate when the keywords used to catch attention are based on relevancy.
Talk about degrees of separation. Here’s a connection between these two kinds of “organic” that just sort of happens to be…serendipitous. We didn’t throw serendipitous in to flex our linguistic dexterity. There’s simply no better word for the connection.
Organic farmers let nature take its course – meaning that artificial means are never used to support sustainability. They instead rely upon recycling and reusing what they produce.
If there’s a hallmark for content with organic SEO superpowers, it’s evergreen content. There’s a bit of divergence, though.
- Organic produce has no artificial preservatives, so it has a very short shelf life.
- Evergreen content has no artificial preservatives (PPC or tenuous keywords). It’s organic, but month after month, it continues to boost search rankings and enhance site traffic.
Organic appeal
We all have the same goal. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an apple or an app. We want it noticed, and then we want it consumed. The difference is in the methods applied to make this happen. You can use artificial means. You’ll see temporary results.
Or, you can use the organic approach. It’s a slower process. But, it’s less costly and more effective. Your customers and Google place more value on it. Plus, it “tastes” delicious.
You do know there’s such a thing as organic bacon, right? Its existence validates what we do. ContentBacon specializes in the kind of storytelling that needs no artificial stimulants to keep it evergreen. It’s an orchard of golden apples that creates organic SEO results. Want some?
If you’re thinking maybe we went too far in mixing metaphors with bacon and apples – have you ever tasted a fresh, tart green apple wedge wrapped with a slice of bacon and drizzled with balsamic vinegar before it’s broiled to crispy perfection?
Use only organic ingredients for best results.