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Marketing Strategy

Chewing the Fat Episode 7

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In the 7th episode of Chewing the Fat, Wendy and Jason talk about the power of patience and repurposing content (plus they make an exciting announcement).

As a marketer, it can be too easy to expect results quickly. We live in a world where you can put something out there and get immediate feedback and results.

We’re no longer willing to wait for what we want. So we try to do a lot of different things at once.

But success takes time. Even if you’re getting feedback on a digital campaign and early results aren’t great, don’t abandon it. Start testing and tweaking it and stick with it until it works. Consistency is so important.

Patience also plays into the power of repurposing. When creating content or campaigns, we might think we need to start fresh. But there are so many assets that you probably already have in your toolbox you can use and repurpose.

Do an asset review. Look through previous podcasts and articles and pull out topics you’ve already done. Take a new approach to what’s already there. It can be inspiring and motivating to see that you already have some really great stuff to work with.

What are your top-performing blogs or landing pages? Change up some links and modernize your content to keep it relevant and to stay consistent.

We also have some breaking news! We’re always innovating at ContentBaon, and something brand new we’re offering is the Entrepreneurial Easy Button.

Entrepreneurs want their voice out there consistently, but they often don’t know how to do it. With our Entrepreneurial Easy Button, our team will meet with you once a month for 60 to 90 minutes, get your thoughts, and turn that into content, whether a blog post, social post, email, etc.

We help you get what’s in your head out into the world from expert writers. Boom.

Learn more by watching to episode 7!



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