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Chewing the Fat Episode 9: Being Present & Uncomfortable

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In this episode, Wendy is out in Colorado hiking with some great folks she works with, so Jason goes at it alone. Jason is just back from a delightful, much-needed vacation and wants to talk about his biggest 30-day takeaway: fending off impatience.

Consistency does pay off. Often, when you’re trying to accomplish something, it’s tempting to make an erratic change rather than stick to your plan, but here’s the secret: that doesn’t work for anyone.

When you make changes on a gut feeling, you lose out on that important knowledge, and it actually sets you back more than if you stuck with the plan. If you’re 15 days into a 30-day goal and you’re not getting any closer, stick with it.

Consistency gets you the win, even if you don’t reach your goal immediately. 

Plus, Jason has two big wins to share thanks to reading Wendy’s Side of Bacon (which you can find in her email newsletter or on her LinkedIn page).

First: The value of staying present

You probably have 10,000 tabs open, plus your phone is dinging every two seconds with a new notification from Slack, text messages, or notifications from your kids.

There’s value to putting that all on hold. Now when Jason goes into a Zoom meeting, he puts it on full screen and puts all his notifications on “Do Not Disturb,” and the meeting goes so much better for having that added 100% focus on it.

Next: The value of putting yourself in a preconceived uncomfortable situation and sticking with it

It’s easy to say that nobody wants to be uncomfortable, but maybe the only reason you believe something is uncomfortable is that you convinced yourself that it is. 

Jason thinks you can apply this to multiple situations. A call that you don’t want to have but know you should, or a partnership or client that’s particularly difficult. 

If you put yourself in front of this situation and remove the BS, just look at the hard facts, you might just find out that there’s nothing to be uncomfortable about!

Wendy may not be on Chewing the Fat this week, but her wisdom is definitely present – so thanks for that, Wendy! 



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