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Chewing the Fat Episode 10: The "O" in B.A.C.O.N

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 Wendy and Jason discuss social media engagement, challenging the customer, and a special service for new businesses.

The last 30 days: what we’ve learned

Wendy’s been focused on the “O” in Content Bacon: outrageous customer experience. We’ve heard our whole lives that the customer is always right. In practice, that mindset doesn’t always lead to the best results. 

We want to challenge that. We see that sometimes we’re able to shed light on things the customer isn’t seeing. 

What they might think is a great idea isn’t always what’s most exciting to their customers. Sometimes they have to get out of their own way. 

Be open to accepting this. It’s good to challenge ourselves and deflate our egos a bit. Outrageous customer experience is really about everyone winning. And winning comes down to results. 

Jason’s been thinking about how multitasking will kill any good effort. We’re all overwhelmed and busy lately. But it’s much better to focus on one thing and do it really well than try to do a lot of things at the same time. You’ll see better results, and that one thing will be more fulfilling. 

Monthly topic: social media feedback

Often with social media, we’re looking for instantaneous feedback and engagement. But most people just scroll social media today. It’s not as interactive as it once was. People use it like a newsfeed.

This means people are still getting value from your content, even if you don’t see that on your social stats. They still see it and take it in.

Bottom line: your impact is bigger than likes and comments.

Some breaking news: 

ContentBacon offers a service called Get Ready. It’s a content package that’s perfect for businesses that need an upgrade or are just getting started. 

Not all companies are ready for a subscription. Sometimes they just need a library of content to launch.

If you know someone who could really use this service, let us know, and we’ll work something out.

Learn more by watching our entire Chewing the Fat episode


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