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Virtual Reality Can Add a New Dimension to Content Marketing

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Content marketing is about to go VR

In today’s world, you must be ahead of the curve if you want to stay up on new ways technology is making marketing possible. That can be difficult with the rate at which technology moves, but it’s not impossible. Recently, virtual reality has stepped onto the stage as the next exciting gadget that has everyone raving. It’s no wonder that marketing companies and businesses are catching on to this new avenue where they can spread the word about their products and brand. As we know, content marketing is a different form of marketing, and it is more like a gentle nudge rather than an in-your-face push. But there’s always ways to augment your content marketing efforts. Is there any way these new technologies can be implemented with content marketing?

Change is inevitable

Marketing as we know it may be on the way out. That’s not grandstanding, it’s being realistic. Virtual reality is immersive and able to touch different pain points that standard marketing can’t, because it accesses different parts of the brain that reading can’t do on its own.

In a way, VR was made for content marketing. The most important aspect to both virtual reality and content marketing is the story and the end user. Where content marketing has been blogging and reading so far, virtual reality can take that a step further. Instead of telling someone how to handle an angry client or the most recent Microsoft update, virtual reality can give them a hands-on walkthrough to explore how they would do it before approaching it in reality.

We are being cautioned that virtual and augmented reality, just for the sake of having them, isn’t a good idea for marketers. As with content marketing, VR must have a point and serve a purpose. With content marketing we’re answering questions and addressing pain points, so it must be the same when we’re using VR. It also can’t be our only marketing lever, and we shouldn’t have to use marketing in order to get people to notice it, since it is part of our marketing strategy. It’s part of the puzzle, not the entire tapestry.

Ways brands can use virtual reality

It’s important to understand why we’re using VR in the first place, and not lose sight of the bigger picture. Virtual reality is an awesome tool, but it’s still a tool. It’s another way to pull people to your brand, let them get them to know you, and engage with them in a new, dynamic way.

  • Show them how products they’re interested in work. This is why a lot of people go to conventions and unveilings, they want to see how new, emerging technologies work. With VR, they wouldn’t even have to leave their office to see how your technology could make their lives better. Lexus has taken this a step further by allowing potential buyers to test drive vehicles through VR.
  • New ways to troubleshoot. We’re all familiar with FAQ pages and automated help options many companies have. With VR we could show the consumer fixes rather than tell them how to do it.
  • Research locations with an immersive experience. Hotels are already giving people the VR treatment by putting them in the location to see all there is to see, and how the specific destination could be the place they want to visit.
  • Visiting events from the comfort of home. This allows people to get prime seating to concerts, theater shows, matches, etc.
  • Online shopping that’s immersive. No more browsing products on a screen or dealing with other customers in the physical world. VR will allow people to go to their favorite retailer, shop the store, browse through items, and purchase without the hassle.

Technology is certainly on the rise, and the focus is put on the end user, the customer. As with content marketing, it seems the only thing that limits us when it comes to virtual reality is our own minds. If we can dream big, virtual reality will find a way. As we can see, VR is growing, and growing fast. It’s in our best interest to harness the power early and use it to wow our customers.

But it all starts with content marketing. Setting up a solid base, attracting customers to you, and showing them you’re their reliable source of information and guidance. Virtual reality is an extension of content marketing, not a replacement, but it can augment it in ways we’re just learning about and exploring. Learn how to make content marketing work for you.

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