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Marketing: The Importance of Social Media Content Optimization

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Your website is losing ground to social media, so it is even more important to make sure your posts leave a positive first impression

Shades of chopped liver. Your website might be feeling a little less loved as the public passes it by in favor of social media. These platforms have become the first place people go to find out information about brands.

It’s not uncommon for a prospect to hear about your brand for the first time and head to social media to see what their friends have to say before doing any further research. As marketers, we have to know how each of these social platforms best deliver the information about our brands so it can be shared. We’ve got to specialize and optimize it.

The shrinking homepage advantage

Recent survey statistics show that 73 percent of consumers say they were impacted by a brand’s social media presence when making a purchase decision. Almost a third of those surveyed said they check out a brand’s presence on social media before going to the brand’s website.

So, you need to be on those platforms. But what consumers want to see about your brand on social media can vary greatly by platform.

Let’s take video, for example.

  • People watch video in their Facebook newsfeeds with the expectation that their network wants to share what’s new. They’re on the go, and likely watching it on a mobile device. Video might be enough to pause the scrolling, but that video is muted. Can your brand deliver a message without audio?
  • They might have audio turned on if they’re hanging out on Instagram. It’s still likely to be on a mobile device, but they’re not here to be updated. They’re looking for inspiration. Your brand message needs a different approach.
  • If it’s happening right now, it’s a job for Twitter. Sure, the other social media networks have live options, but everybody knows that what’s breaking is being tweeted.
  • And though you’ve got 280 characters to make your point on Twitter, it’s a different story on YouTube. People head there to be educated. The audio is on and attention is high.

Sharing is caring

Consumers are sidestepping your website – which you own – to find out more about you on social media. Which you rent. The ROI for you is to make sure the people you do get in front of turn around and share what you’ve shown them.

That means catering to the strengths and sharing habits of each social platform. People are more likely to share when they have a validation. Mention industry leaders and influencers to show people you’re aware of what’s going on in your niche or industry.

Be “findable”

One of the takeaways from Adobe’s recent Social Media Content Optimization Survey was that visual content and hashtags are key. Of the 182 marketers surveyed, 67% said they found hashtags to be important or very important in their marketing mix.

Tweak the message

The content subject can remain constant. The way it’s presented has to change so it’s optimized by network to be sharable.

  • Summarize on Twitter: You’ve only got 280 characters, so you have to choose your words carefully (even your spaces, for that matter). Twitter tends to be about what’s breaking, but many topical stories about brands get shared because the tweet tells the whole story.
  • Turn it into a conversation on Facebook: The average person doesn’t talk to a friend or a relative using clever slogans or taglines. Your sponsored Facebook messages will come off as self-promotional and spammy if you don’t blend them in with the conversational tone of the news feed posts of friends and family.
  • Start a discussion on LinkedIn: How can you position content so it invites professionals to share their opinion?
  • Use hashtags to be discoverable on Instagram: This platform is visual. You can’t even post unless you lead with an image or video. But you’ll need hashtags if you want to be a part of the conversation. It’s how people will find and share your content.
  • Teach but don’t preach on YouTube: It’s the second largest search engine in the world. People are looking for ways to put new ideas into perspective. How can you help them put your brand into their worldview?

Social relevance

Arouse sufficient curiosity and you’ll get them to your website, but expect prospects to begin their investigation on social media. When they encounter your brand there, they expect you to engage them in ways that are appropriate to the platform. You want to make an impression but not stick out like a sore thumb.

We can help you optimize your content so it says the right thing the right way on the right platform. Learn how we craft tasty content to attract, educate, convert, and nurture.

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