Julia Pimsleur, an entrepreneur and author based in New York City, created the Million Dollar Women Summit to bring together 150 women entrepreneurs. But long before the event in March 2017, ContentBacon worked behind the scenes on content development, promotion, and lead generation for the summit. Starting in October 2016, both Pimsleur and ContentBacon saw their content marketing efforts paying off.
“The summit was a huge success, and we were excited to develop the content strategy and provide the support of our writing and editing team,” said ContentBacon founders Wendy Lieber and Dave Kustin regarding their partnership with Pimsleur.
ContentBacon supported Pimsleur by creating blog posts, social media content, resources for her readers, biweekly newsletters, videos, and more. The result? Pimsleur’s pre-summit traffic tripled since the beginning of their partnership. She went from an average of 500 viewers per month to an average of 1,500 per month, and her email list increased by 650%, growing form 400 subscribers to more than 3,000 in just over one year.
She also filled every seat at the event (150 of them to be exact, plus sponsors, special guests, panelists, and coaches) and actually had to reject some attendee requests because the volume was so high.
Pimsleur’s consistent content creation and social media engagement has led to the development of a loyal, thriving audience that relies on her for valuable information and resources. The long game of content marketing has not only helped Pimsleur strengthen her brand, but also drove tremendous awareness about the Million Dollar Women Summit.
ContenBacon exists to help businesses manage the fickle beast that is content marketing, whether the intent is to elevate a brand, promote an event, generate new leads or simply keep businesses in front of their valued customers. Tell us how we can help you.