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9 Most Frequently Asked Questions from Our Prospects

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Need someone to shoulder the content burden for you? We’re here to take on the heavy lifting!

We approach inbound marketing differently than a lot of other agencies. Instead of throwing you into a complicated contract that lacks transparency, we give you a thoughtfully built subscription with all the costs and deliverables right up front where you can see them.

Whether you’ve been in contact with us before or you’re just exploring ContentBacon for the first time, you probably have some questions. What’s it like to work with us? What can we do for you? Who are we? 

We figured it would be helpful to put all the answers in one place.

Check out the 9 questions we hear most from our prospects. If you’re looking for more information and want to chat further, please reach out directly! 

#1: What happens when I sign up for a ContentBacon subscription?

Our customers go through an initial onboarding process that allows us to research and gather the ingredients for your content pièce de résistance and optimize that content for launch. When you sign up, we begin the onboarding process, starting with Month 0. You’ll have a welcome call with our team and be asked to complete a questionnaire that gives us all the info we need to start your content strategy. Meanwhile, our team is hard at work behind the scenes doing the following:

  • getting the onboarding process up and running
  • researching your industry’s competitive landscape
  • auditing your social media and website
  • integrating your analytics
  • brainstorming a strategy that supports your goals

During the onboarding process, you’ll also meet one of our content strategists who will work closely with you to create the perfect content calendar that supports your goals. Since we take a team approach to our subscriptions, our customer success team will be in touch regularly with weekly emails during the onboarding period. They are also available to answer your questions.

#2: How long does it take for my subscription to fully fire up?

You can expect your subscription to be fully rolling in 90 days, but you’ll see progress right from the beginning!

Every subscription goes through a 90-day onboarding. During that time, we gather the ingredients (Month 0), fire up the pan (Month 1), and get sizzlin’ with your subscription (Month 2).

Here’s a quick overview of what to expect during that time:

Month 0

Our team is working alongside you to get into your world and really understand your brand, product, audience, and competition. We also begin creating content during this month.

Month 1

You begin reviewing content, providing feedback, and with your approval, we publish it for you for the world to see!

Month 2 

Your content subscription is really movin’ and groovin’! Your content is going live, and we’re grinding away to do it all over again for the next quarter.

Month 3

We’re out of the onboarding period, and it’s full steam ahead!

Before you know it, you’ll have a steady stream of content pouring in on all channels—and a constant flow of leads to follow!

#3: How do you come up with ideas for my content?

That’s a hard question because the answer is different for every customer! Generally, we come up with content ideas by:

  • talking to you about audience pain points
  • doing competitor research 
  • researching trends in your industry
  • opening up some of our secret sauce

Our content generation process is based on what your audience wants to read and addresses the goals of your inbound strategy. The result is a totally unique quarterly editorial calendar that you can actually get excited about!

#4: What kind of support do I get for my subscription?

From day one with ContentBacon, you’ll have a team approach to your subscription. Our content strategists take care of the strategy, while our editors, writers, and production team ensure your subscription and content is set up for long-term success! Our customer success team is always available to answer your questions.

We want to make things easy for you, so we’ll send you a monthly report with updates about what’s been cooking, what’s coming up, and key metrics. We also like to meet each quarter month to make sure we’re up to date on what’s going on in your business.

#5: Who does the writing and editing?

We work with a team of experienced writers and editors who are obsessed with crafting stories that keep your customers on the edge of their seats and moving along the sales journey.

Our League of Extraordinary Content Creators are:

  • Insatiably curious
  • Masters of the craft
  • Suckers for “track changes”
  • Clever, subtle, effective persuaders
  • Content chameleons; natural style mimics

#6: How do I give feedback?

We know your time is limited, so we make it easy to let us know what you think by: 

  • Sending content in batches for you to review on your own time
  • Sending quarterly topics so you’re thinking about your content topics four times a year—not four times a week!

You can let us know what you think by emailing us, requesting a call, or posting a comment directly in the content document—whatever’s easiest for you. 

If it takes a few rounds of feedback to get it right, no worries — we’ll listen, take your feedback to heart, and keep cooking until you love the final result!

What if you don’t want to participate in the editing process (for whatever reason)?

We’re fine with that, too—there’s an option to post all your content on an automated schedule, totally hands-off for you!

#7: What sets ContentBacon apart from the rest?

“Can’t I get all this from a freelancer on Fiverr?”

Yeah, but not really.

Technically, you might get what you’re requesting on Upwork or even through another content agency. But when you go that route, you won’t get the pieces that matter the most, which includes:

  • premium content quality
  • multiple layers of oversight
  • access to an entire content creation and design team
  • expert content strategists
  • hands-off content scheduling (yes, we’ll publish it for you!) 
  • 1:1 support
  • long-term strategic partnership

We always say that content is king, and that means royal quality is non-negotiable. You simply won’t get the conversion you want from a string of one-off freelancers.

#8: I need more than just blogs, what else ya got?

Blogs are important, but we don’t have to tell you that you can’t sustain a content strategy on blogs alone! Aside from blogs, the content we can deliver includes:

  • Social media posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Web copy and design
  • Conversion resources like case studies, eBooks, workbooks, and more
  • Social media advertising and retargeting
  • Sales toolkits
  • Lead nurturing email campaigns

Our pre-baked subscriptions are ready to go with different tiers of service. If you don’t see one you like, we’ll work with you to find the right mix of content and analytics!

#9: Why content subscriptions?

Content subscriptions give you flexibility and transparency.

Like ordering off a menu, you can choose as much content and inbound strategy support as you want (or as little). A subscription offers multiple levels of support, so you can take your budget and goals into account while you decide.

Plus, we know every business is different. If you don’t see a package that fits your needs, we’ll work with you to create your own subscription package.

What ContentBacon questions do you have?

Now you know the answers to the questions we hear most, but what about your questions

Drop us a line, and we’ll get back to you with the answers (or support, or help) you need!

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