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Advantages of Working with a Cannabis-Centric Marketing Agency

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You may think that all marketing agencies are created equal, but you should think twice before hiring one that doesn’t specialize in cannabis marketing

As more states legalize medicinal and recreational marijuana, and as unexpected cannabis markets continue to emerge within the industry, there seems to be a universal need for strategic marketing. And although most cannabis companies, whether established or brand new to the industry, understand the importance of setting themselves apart through marketing, most don’t want to relinquish their desire to be scrappy and DIY what they can.

The fact is, the marketing efforts that you implement (or don’t implement) right now can make or break the future of your marijuana business. That may sound weighted, but the success of your brand is heavily rooted in the way you lawfully present yourself to your audience. Remember, marijuana is still illegal on the federal level, so traditional marketing tactics aren’t always an option.

This is why smart cannabis companies are hiring agencies who specialize in cannabis marketing to help them with things like:

  • Defining and reaching your target audience
  • Choosing the proper marketing channels
  • Developing a messaging strategy, voice, and tone
  • SEO and getting found by search engines
  • Building an engaged and active social media fan base
  • Driving website traffic and converting that traffic into sales

Here are a few reasons that you need to hire an experienced cannabis marketing agency to manage these marketing efforts:

1. Brand consistency. Your brand is more than just a super creative logo, and should supersede the all-too-common green pot leaf. It is a visual representation of who you are, and consists of things like the font and the colors that you use, your tone of voice, and imagery that you choose. These components need to remain consistent across all internal and external communication, including your website, all marketing collateral, in-store signage, social media presence, etc.

An agency can do more than help you develop your brand guidelines, they can also ensure that your brand remains consistent across all channels.

2. Stay compliant. The regulations surrounding the marketing of cannabis products are complex enough to make your head spin. There are tight laws around social media marketing and SEO strategies, but even red tape doesn’t make those avenues any less important for a cannabis brand. Agencies that specialize in cannabis marketing know the rules regarding when, where, and how businesses can market and advertise their products. They can keep you on the right side of the law while simultaneously putting you on the map with a kickass marketing plan.

3. Get access to a whole team. Even the most talented marketers aren’t jacks of all trades. This is because marketing experts understand that you can’t be an expert in everything, and it takes more than one person to execute an integrated campaign.

Most cannabis companies need a master of local and organic SEO, a social media aficionado, an experienced cannabis content writer, an amazing web designer – the list goes on and on. As you can imagine, trying to fill these positions to create an in-house marketing team can be expensive and insanely time-consuming.

A cannabis marketing agency can give you access to gurus in SEO, content, social media, web design, and more.

4. Stay ahead of the competition. Thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have passed laws legalizing marijuana in some form. You know what that means? The number of cannabis businesses is going to continue to explode.

If you want to stay relevant amongst the competition, you need to stay at the top of the search results, social media, and paid channels. It takes time to work your way to the front page of Google, or to grow a social media following. That is why you need to get going now. The longer you wait, the easier it will be for your competition to swipe your customers.

5. Understanding of the market. Cannabis-specific marketing agencies possess a thorough understanding of this unique market. They are tapped in to the industry at large and they stay up-to-date on news and current events. This allows them the ability to promote your brand at all the right times.

Additionally, an agency that specializes in the space has a vested interest in the image and future of the market, making them highly motivated to portray the brands that they represent in the best possible light. They can also serve as activists, helping to fund campaigns to heighten the image of the cannabis industry, and advocate for less stringent laws.

If your cannabis company has a firm desire to execute successful marketing campaigns but doesn’t have the time, needed skillset, or proper resources to keep marketing in-house, then it is in your best interest to hire an outside agency. It is the quickest way to build your brand and increase revenue.

Learn more about how an agency can enhance your marketing game.

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