
Posting articles on your website boosts search engine rankings and draws more visitors, establishing your authority. This strategy enhances credibility, engages readers, and promotes your products, while also providing valuable content for social media. Articles continue attracting traffic long after publication, offering lasting benefits. Incorporating articles into your digital strategy is crucial for any business aiming to expand its online presence and connect with customers more effectively.

Social Media

Utilizing social media enhances your brand’s visibility and connects you directly with your customers. Regular posts keep your audience engaged and help establish your authority in your industry, which builds trust and credibility. Social media also offers a way to promote your products and drive traffic to your website. Additionally, the interactive nature of social media allows for instant feedback and customer insights, providing lasting benefits. Making social media a key part of your marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to grow its presence and foster meaningful customer relationships.


Sending out newsletters keeps your audience informed and engaged, helping to build a strong, loyal community around your brand. This tool boosts visibility and credibility by showcasing your expertise and updates on your industry. Newsletters also drive targeted traffic to your website and can directly promote your products and services, enhancing your marketing efforts. They provide a platform for personalized engagement and collecting valuable feedback. Integrating newsletters into your communication strategy is crucial for any business aiming to maintain close connections and consistently reach its customers.

Please select your newsletter complexity by placing a number beside the option you want:

Content Strategy

Implementing a content strategy enhances your brand's visibility and authority, driving engagement and building trust with your audience. This strategic approach helps to optimize your online presence across platforms, including your website, social media, and newsletters. By consistently delivering valuable, relevant content, you not only attract and retain a loyal audience but also improve search rankings and drive traffic. Moreover, a well-crafted content strategy supports your marketing efforts and facilitates direct customer interaction, making it essential for any business looking to thrive in the digital landscape.

Basic strategy is already included.

  • 1 monthly, 30 minute check-in call
  • Quarterly 60 minute call to review results and discuss the upcoming quarter
  • Email support for between meetings

Need more support?


Projects get your flywheel spinning and keep it spinning. Please select which you want by placing a number beside them. This number will tell us how many you need!


Custom Quote

Total Price
Month 0 - Onboarding
$ 2500
How many articles a month do you need?*
How many social posts do you need across Facebook, LinkedIn, and X?
How many Instagram posts?
How many long-form storytelling posts?
Basic - shorter newsletter that promotes website content
Enhanced - increased complexity and length
Pro - long-form newsletter of increased complexity. Includes original content and up to 4 custom images
Support Type
Social Media Setup - per profile
LinkedIn Publishing - 1 Blog syndication (based on availability of new blogs to syndicate)
LinkedIn Makeover - personal profile
LinkedIn Makeover - company page
Pillar Page
Email Drip Campaign
Landing Page - Stand Alone
Lead Hook - Standard Length/Complexity
Conversion Kit
Conversion Optimization
Individual Website Page
Baconize Your Blog - Blog Refresh
Total: $for the first Month
$/Month recurring

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