At ContentBacon, we create custom content that captivates readers, converts them into loyal customers, and propels brands to the forefront of their industries. We’re always on the lookout for production team members who thrive on bringing our customers’ stories to life, ensuring every piece of content represents them and their brand. Is that you? Let’s find out…


Our core values are near and dear to our hearts. For us to have equal footing in a belief system, we must live, breathe, and eat B.A.C.O.N! But what exactly does that mean?
It all starts with B…

  • B
    Bullshit Free Zone
  • A
    Act with Integrity
  • C
    Constantly Creating
  • O
    Outrageous Customer Service
  • N
    No Dickheads
Bullshit Free Zone
Bullshit Free Zone

We’re your partner, so let’s talk candidly. We’ll tell it like it is—what’s working, what’s not, and what we’re doing about it.

Act with Integrity
Act with Integrity

We cut no corners at ContentBacon. Every project is marked with multiple layers of oversight, so you know there are plenty of eyes on the content we make on your behalf. If we miss the mark, we’ll make it right - guaranteed.

Constantly Creating
Constantly Creating

We don’t ever stop thinking and putting our ideas on paper. The result is content that’s a notch above the competitor, just out-of-the-box enough to give you the upper edge.

Outrageous Customer Service
Outrageous Customer Service

You’re the reason we’re here, and we won’t let you forget it. Our full-service team is here for constant support and regular updates, so you always know what’s up.

No Dickheads
No Dickheads

You read that right. You don’t like collaborating with dickheads (nor do we), so we won’t make you. The rule at ContentBacon is it costs nothing to be nice.

If you find yourself saying, “Yeah, right on!” then continue reading. If not, feel free to bail here. We know there won’t be a love connection.

Full disclosure: we’re growing fast, and that means we’re always changing, adapting, and improving. New responsibilities and challenges will surface, and as a member of the ContentBacon team, you’ll be expected to take them on and solve them. So if you’re looking for structure, routine, and a clearly defined role, this job definitely isn’t for you. Ultimately, we’re looking for someone who enjoys a challenge and can solve problems and figure things out without a lot of guidance or drama. ‘Cause there’s stuff we’re still learning, too!

Are you our next ContentBacon Production Team Member?


We value the architects behind the scenes as much as the stories we tell. If you're someone who thrives on crafting seamless experiences and finds satisfaction in the details others might miss, you’re in the right spot. But ultimately, you’re a great fit if…


You’re a rockstar communicator. You love talking to people, both on the team and with our customers. You aren’t afraid to pick up the phone and call when email or chat aren’t getting it done. You take care of our customers in a branded, friendly, proactive, and efficient manner, with appropriate follow-up as necessary.

You’re familiar with content marketing. You understand each piece of content we create, can help with the implementation across our customer websites, and stay up to date with new tools and practices.

You’re extremely well organized. You are comfortable managing a lot of moving pieces at different stages and following up on what you need. You can manage your calendar, keep tabs on specified and implied action items, and raise your hand when you need help. Comfortable in a fast-paced environment and able to adjust your daily schedule as urgent things come up without being frazzled or overwhelmed by it.

You’re a natural solution creator. You look for ways for you and your team to work more efficiently, and you create positive change in the teams you’re a part of. You step up and create a solution rather than wait for one to be created for you. Whatever-it-takes attitude around problem-solving: You don’t get dramatic. You grab the bull by the horns and take pride in figuring it out. For anything you don’t know, you can do the research and figure it out on your own or ask the right questions from the right people to get what you need to move forward.

If geek=true { DreamJob=true; } Your favorite CMS has a pet name, and your grocery list is in XML.

Did you make it to the end of our list and find yourself nodding along, thinking, “Hell yes, that’s me!” with every point? If so, you might just be the production manager we've been searching for. So, what comes next? Some clear expectations…


We thrive on meticulous attention to detail and the ability to adapt on the fly. Below are the key responsibilities of our production team, the architects behind the seamless execution of our content creation:

Creating an amazing customer experience: You’re part of a team-based approach to taking care of our customers. You’ll help onboard new accounts, and answer customer questions regarding their content subscriptions, projects, and requests. You’ll compile results and assist in recommending changes to subscriptions, adding-on projects, and overall changes to achieve better results. You’ll handle technical issues if they come up, and do it while leaving our customers feeling taken care of.
Content Publication and Marketing Automation:You’ll need to understand the role of marketing automation in an inbound marketing strategy. You’ll help to set up accurate ad campaigns with landing pages, email drips, and workflows and help optimize campaigns. Working knowledge on platforms like HubSpot, Google Analytics, WordPress, LinkedIn Campaign Manager, Facebook Business Manager, and more are crucial to success in this role! You'll be asked to do anything from posting basic blogs, to setting up complex drip campaigns with advanced logic, A/B tests, and smart content.
Social Media Management: You’ll be responsible for our customers’ social media calendars. This means ensuring all posts are delivered by our editors and scheduled in our social media management platform on schedule (of course), but it also means reading through what’s in the lineup and ensuring that similar content isn’t scheduled back to back, that time-sensitive posts are prioritized, and doing quality control to ensure the posts go live with the appropriate image and link.
Newsletter builds and sends: You’ll help build our customers’ monthly newsletters in a variety of email marketing platforms including MailChimp, ConstantContact, iContact, HubSpot, and InfusionSoft. You’ll be responsible for making sure the formatting stays intact while updating the content of each newsletter, as well as the internal- and customer-facing review processes. You’ll also be responsible for checking open and click-thru rates to gauge the performance of each campaign.
SEO & Analytics: You’ll help generate baseline reports and track activity, as well as other research-based tasks. You are certified in Google Analytics, an expert in Google Tag Manager, and can manage and track goals through these tools. Regular SEO audits? Check. Insightful reports that guide our strategy? Double-check. Your analytical prowess ensures our content not only ranks but resonates.
Content Performance Data Tracking & Reporting: You can gather the data and report on the results. You can support our Content Marketing Concierges going into strategy conversations, can convert data into visualizations that impress and tell a compelling story.
In essence, you're not just production – you're an analyst, a tracker, and a critical part of how we make brands sizzle. If this sounds like you, then you're exactly who we've been looking for.
Ready for the next step in your career?
We can't wait to see what you'll bring to the table.


We realize expectations are a two-way street. While we have strong standards for our productoin team, you can expect the best in return. When you're with ContentBacon, you work in an environment where your voice matters, your growth is on the fast track, and your balance is sacred. We’re all about the give-and-take: flexible schedules, remote work vibes, and a culture that thrives on applauding your wins. Every day you’ll be challenged with exciting new projects. Your talents will be put to the test. Your skills will grow. And you’ll be propelled farther into your career, all while working from home and connecting with a team who is there to help you every step of the way.
Join us, and become a key ingredient in our team’s recipe for success. 
Join The Team