At ContentBacon, we create custom content that captivates readers, converts them into loyal customers, and propels brands to the forefront of their industries. We’re always on the lookout for sharp editors who enjoy elevating content to its highest potential, ensuring it engages the target audience effectively, and solidifies brand credibility and growth. Does that sound like you? If so, let’s talk.


Our core values are near and dear to our hearts. For us to have equal footing in a belief system, we must live, breathe, and eat B.A.C.O.N! But what exactly does that mean?
It all starts with B…

  • B
    Bullshit Free Zone
  • A
    Act with Integrity
  • C
    Constantly Creating
  • O
    Outrageous Customer Service
  • N
    No Dickheads
Bullshit Free Zone
Bullshit Free Zone

We’re your partner, so let’s talk candidly. We’ll tell it like it is—what’s working, what’s not, and what we’re doing about it.

Act with Integrity
Act with Integrity

We cut no corners at ContentBacon. Every project is marked with multiple layers of oversight, so you know there are plenty of eyes on the content we make on your behalf. If we miss the mark, we’ll make it right - guaranteed.

Constantly Creating
Constantly Creating

We don’t ever stop thinking and putting our ideas on paper. The result is content that’s a notch above the competitor, just out-of-the-box enough to give you the upper edge.

Outrageous Customer Service
Outrageous Customer Service

You’re the reason we’re here, and we won’t let you forget it. Our full-service team is here for constant support and regular updates, so you always know what’s up.

No Dickheads
No Dickheads

You read that right. You don’t like collaborating with dickheads (nor do we), so we won’t make you. The rule at ContentBacon is it costs nothing to be nice.

If you find yourself saying, “Yeah, right on!” then continue reading. If not, feel free to bail here. We know there won’t be a love connection.


Here’s what we’re looking for…

Grammarly is great. Generative AI is fun. But what we’re looking for is someone who is obsessed with the written word—someone whose passion for prose has been refined through years of dedication and meticulous craftsmanship. And someone who is capable of elevating content from great to unforgettable and from the ordinary into extraordinary.

Our ideal editors share a set of characteristics. Here’s what they are:

Insatiable Curiosity: You're not just an editor; you're a relentless seeker of truth, diving deep into research and unearthing the essence of every brand story.

Master Storyteller:With a keen eye for narrative, you collaborate with writers to ensure every piece weaves into our clients' brand stories.

Impeccable Precision: Your editorial gaze misses nothing—grammar, spelling, style, and flow are sculpted to perfection under your watchful eye.

Conversion Craft: You have a sharp sense for the persuasive power of content, steering each piece towards trust, reliability, and action without ever sounding salesy.

Design Savvy: Beyond words, you understand the importance of structure and visuals in storytelling, guiding design choices that amplify our message.

Strategic Feedback: Open to constructive criticism, you balance feedback with strategy, ensuring changes improve the content, not just alter it.

Adaptive Voice: You're a chameleon of tone and style, able to capture and improve our clients' unique voices, sometimes even helping to define them.

Content Connoisseur: From blogs to social ads, you know how different pieces fit into the broader strategy, making each element sing in harmony.

Strategic Visionary: Beyond editing, you're planning, and crafting content calendars that propel our clients towards their goals with strategic foresight.

Deadline Dynamo: With a publisher's precision, you manage schedules and expectations like a maestro, ensuring the show goes on without a hitch.

Did you make it to the end of our list and find yourself nodding along, thinking, “Hell yes, that’s me!” with every point? If so, you might just be the editorial genius we've been searching for. So, what comes next? Some clear expectations…


We believe in the power of precision and the art of adaptation. Here’s what we expect from our editors, who are at the forefront of creating narratives that connect:

Immaculate Edits: Strategic Content Calendars: Beyond the basics—grammar, punctuation, style— every edit is a masterclass in clarity and coherence.
Strategic Content Calendars: Quarterly calendars designed to be strategic blueprints driving toward our clients' ambitions.
Deep-Dive Research: The ability to become an overnight expert through deep research, ensuring content is both authoritative and authentic.
SEO Mastery & Humanity: Keyword strategies that are comprehensive, cunning, and designed to please algorithms and humans alike.
Deadline Devotion: Time management skills that ensure content flows smoothly from concept to publication.
Being Open to Feedback: Openness to feedback is important, coupled with the tact to provide constructive criticism that elevates our collective work.
Unwavering Honesty: Honesty has to guide every edit, every piece of advice, and every decision made.
A "Whatever It Takes" Spirit: A positive attitude and willingness to embrace new challenges, especially as we evolve and expand.
Leadership in Growth: As ContentBacon grows, our editors are ready to take on new responsibilities, leading by example and inspiring those around them.
In essence, you're not just an editor – you're a storyteller, a strategist, and a critical part of how we make brands sizzle. If this sounds like you, then you're exactly who we've been looking for.
Ready for the next step in your career?
 We can't wait to see what you'll bring to the table.
Apply Now


We realize expectations are a two-way street. While we have strong standards for our editorial team, you can expect the best in return. When you're with ContentBacon, you work in an environment where your voice matters, your growth is on the fast track, and your balance is sacred. We’re all about the give-and-take: flexible schedules, remote work vibes, and a culture that thrives on applauding your wins. Every day you’ll be challenged with exciting new projects. Your talents will be put to the test. Your skills will grow. And you’ll be propelled farther into your career, all while working from home and connecting with a team who is there to help you every step of the way
Join us, and become a key ingredient in our team’s recipe for success.