At ContentBacon, we create custom content that captivates readers, converts them into loyal customers, and propels brands to the forefront of their industries. We're on the lookout for content marketing strategists who excel at weaving these narratives into content that captivates readers and builds lasting connections between brands and their audiences. If diving deep into data, identifying trends, and creating strategies that elevate brand stories excite you, then we’re interested in you.


Our core values are near and dear to our hearts. For us to have equal footing in a belief system, we must live, breathe, and eat B.A.C.O.N! But what exactly does that mean?
It all starts with B…

  • B
    Bullshit Free Zone
  • A
    Act with Integrity
  • C
    Constantly Creating
  • O
    Outrageous Customer Service
  • N
    No Dickheads
Bullshit Free Zone
Bullshit Free Zone

We’re your partner, so let’s talk candidly. We’ll tell it like it is—what’s working, what’s not, and what we’re doing about it.

Act with Integrity
Act with Integrity

We cut no corners at ContentBacon. Every project is marked with multiple layers of oversight, so you know there are plenty of eyes on the content we make on your behalf. If we miss the mark, we’ll make it right - guaranteed.

Constantly Creating
Constantly Creating

We don’t ever stop thinking and putting our ideas on paper. The result is content that’s a notch above the competitor, just out-of-the-box enough to give you the upper edge.

Outrageous Customer Service
Outrageous Customer Service

You’re the reason we’re here, and we won’t let you forget it. Our full-service team is here for constant support and regular updates, so you always know what’s up.

No Dickheads
No Dickheads

You read that right. You don’t like collaborating with dickheads (nor do we), so we won’t make you. The rule at ContentBacon is it costs nothing to be nice.

If you find yourself saying, “Yeah, right on!” then continue reading. If not, feel free to bail here. We know there won’t be a love connection.


We value the strategists who excel at creating and executing content strategies that resonate with audiences and drive brand goals. If you're skilled at bridging the gap between client goals and audience needs, you're in the right place. But ultimately, you’re a great fit if…


You're an expert communicator. You connect with both teammates and clients, not just reaching out but building relationships. Whether through a clarifying call or an email, you handle interactions with a proactive and warmly professional branded touch.

You live and breathe content marketing. You grasp every content piece's essence and stay ahead of the latest trends and best practices. Educating clients and collaborating with our creatives to bring visions to life is second nature to you.

You're driven by impact. Focused on delivering results, you immerse yourself in various industries to understand each target audience deeply. Crafting content strategies that resonate, setting SMART goals, analyzing performance, and offering insights for improvement are all in a day's work for you.

You're masterfully organized. You can juggle numerous projects with ease. Your organizational prowess is unparalleled. From managing calendars to tracking action items, you ensure everything is in perfect order.

You're an innovative problem solver. Creativity and efficiency mark your approach to finding new solutions. You initiate change and solve problems, making you an invaluable asset to any project.

You're a strategic thinker. You see the bigger picture and can align short-term content tactics with long-term business goals. You're adept at crafting comprehensive content strategies that meet current needs and anticipate future trends and opportunities.

You have a keen analytical mind. You deeply understand the importance of data in shaping content strategy. You analyze audience behavior, engagement metrics, and conversion data to refine and optimize content for maximum impact.

You're a collaborative force. You thrive on teamwork and know that the best content strategies are born from cross-functional collaboration.

You champion brand storytelling. You understand the power of narrative in connecting with audiences on an emotional level. You're skilled at weaving brand values and messaging into compelling stories that engage, inform, and inspire.

Do you recognize these traits? You might just be the Content Marketing Strategist we're searching for. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s lay out a few expectations…


We thrive on meticulous attention to detail and the ability to adapt on the fly. Below are the key responsibilities of our production team, the architects behind the seamless execution of our content creation:

Drive Success with Strategic Content: At our core, we're storytellers with a purpose. Our clients rely on us not just for content but for content that catapults them towards their marketing and sales objectives. Your role is to ensure every piece of content we craft is a strategic arrow in their quiver. This means setting clear benchmarks, charting the right course for their content journey, tailoring their subscription to fit evolving goals, and rigorously tracking progress towards these targets.
Elevate the Customer Experience: You're a key player in our collaborative mission to exceed customer expectations. From the moment new clients join our family, you're there—guiding them through their content journey, addressing queries about their subscriptions, and delivering insights that spark dynamic adjustments. Your expertise doesn't just resolve issues; it transforms challenges into opportunities for growth, leaving our clients more than satisfied.
Master of Project Coordination: As the go-to for our clients' specialized projects, you embody the essence of project management excellence. Juggling various tasks and aligning multiple talents, you ensure every project is a masterpiece of efficiency and impact. You're swift yet meticulous, adapting our proven processes to carve out success stories. Deadlines are your domain, ensuring every commitment is met with precision and every outcome surpasses expectations.
Analytics-Driven Strategy Refinement: With a data-first mindset, you dive into analytics to uncover deep insights into audience behavior and content performance. This analytical prowess enables you to refine strategies, ensuring our clients’ content drives meaningful engagement and conversions.
Collaborative Approach: You thrive in a collaborative environment to ensure a cohesive and integrated content strategy. Your ability to communicate effectively and incorporate feedback from clients strengthens our content ecosystem, ensuring all pieces work together harmoniously toward our and our clients’ shared goals.
Content Performance Data Tracking & Reporting: You can gather the data and report on the results. You can support our Content Marketing Concierges by going into strategy conversations that can convert data into visualizations that impress and tell a compelling story.
With ContentBacon, you're not just a strategist – you're a trailblazer, storyteller, and the driving force behind our clients' triumphs. If this resonates with you, then you're the Content Marketing Strategist we've been searching for.
Ready for the next step in your career?
 We can't wait to see what you'll bring to the table.


We realize expectations are a two-way street. While we have strong standards for our content marketing strategists, you can expect the best in return. With ContentBacon, you work in an environment where your voice matters, your growth is on the fast track, and your balance is sacred. We’re all about the give-and-take: flexible schedules, remote work vibes, and a culture that thrives on applauding your wins. Every day you’ll be challenged with exciting new projects. Your talents will be put to the test. Your skills will grow. And you’ll be propelled farther into your career, all while working from home and connecting with a team who is there to help you every step of the way.
Join us, and become a key ingredient in our team’s recipe for success. 
Join The Team