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7 Tips to Stick the Landing: Best Practices for Perfect-Score Landing Pages

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Story, simplicity, and intrigue. Create better landing pages with these elements in mind and convert more leads.

  • Without a great landing page, your campaign investments will never pay off.
  • A good landing is focused — built to convert visitors from a specific campaign for a specific piece of content. Don’t water it down with unrelated info or unnecessary links.
  • Engage this targeted audience by addressing their pain points, making the content visual, and telling a good story.

Landing pages are the last mile of any digital campaign. You’ve invested in the ads, content and all the other elements to get people to land on that page. Now, is your landing page sizzling enough to sell the bacon?

A good landing page provides simple, clean, and straightforward information for the people who are interested in your offer. You don’t need elaborate bells and whistles, only content that inspires them to say yes and take the next step in your sales funnel.

But before we get too far, let’s define what a landing page is. Then, we’ll dive into how to stick the landing with perfect-10 pages

What’s a landing page?

A landing page, sometimes referred to as a lead-capture page, is a single web page with the sole purpose of gathering lead information by highlighting one piece of content or product. A lead-capture form on the page helps you collect data about visitors who are interested in something specific that you offer. This gives you powerful, actionable insight into your audience.

Landing pages are effective because they’re targeted to certain leads and created in parallel with a single campaign — whether that’s an online advertisement, social media campaign, or email. The landing page focuses solely on the content or product that brought that lead to your page, which helps you understand what they’re really interested in while allowing you to collect their basic information.

Now, how do you do it right?

Best practices for killer landing pages

1. Address pain points

The individuals who make up your audience are all looking for something. They’re experiencing some kind of problem, whether they know it or not. It’s your job to understand and hit those pain points to get them interested — to get them wanting a solution and believing you can provide it.

Build trust with your audience by showing them upfront that you understand their primary pain point with your messaging and landing page.

2. Emphasize novelty

Something new and shiny? I’m in! We all love novelty, so make sure you leverage that desire in your landing pages. What’s new about what you’re saying? How is your product unique? Even if what you’re saying isn’t exactly new, you can still give it that sparkly appearance that will inspire page visitors to act on their impulses.

3. Keep it clean and simple

Another pro tip: Don’t overload your landing pages. It’s just one page, after all, and you shouldn’t be providing paragraphs and paragraphs of content. Your main goal with a landing page should be to capture information about leads, guiding them down the road to converting or wanting to learn more about the product or service.

Spotlight whatever brought that lead to your page, and don’t include much else. You want people to learn about one thing, and one thing only, on a landing page so they see the simplest path to conversion.

4. Limit navigation options

The more options you provide for users to get off the landing page, the more likely they are to leave. Pay attention to how many links and navigation options you have on the page. There should only be a couple options so visitors will stay on the page and take the desired action.

People like simplicity, so don’t confuse them or open up more of your website than is needed to make the conversion. The landing page should stand on its own.

5. Use images

Just like people love novelty, we also love visuals. When you’re highlighting a product or service with a landing page, why not show it? Make it pretty. Highlight its capabilities so it becomes irresistible to your audiences. Don’t keep leads guessing about the final product they’ll receive — include images to help your case and incite action.

6. Measure lead engagement

Another great thing about a landing page is that you can track existing leads when they return to your page. While it’s great to generate interest and capture a new visitor’s contact info, you also get to see who keeps coming back to your content — and they’ll be closer than ever to converting.

At this stage, maybe you trigger another outreach tactic, like a notification or email, to get them to make a purchase?

7. Tell a good story

We’ve already covered that your landing page needs to be brief, but you still need to tell a compelling story with few words. Combine what you know about your audience with what makes your product unique and enticing, and you’ve already got your hook.

Include a bulleted list that clearly outlines the precise benefits your audience will receive when they decide to convert. Don’t beat around the bush — just show them why it matters and how it will improve their lives.

Start with these seven tips, and you’ll be on your way to landing pages that drive results. Why believe what we have to say? Because at ContentBacon, we know how to create perfect-10 landing pages that help you generate and convert more leads. We know the power of content and storytelling, and our team delivers, every time.

Contact our team to get started with landing page creation and other content elements for an all-around better inbound marketing strategy.

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