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How Video Can Drive Awareness for Your Healthcare Business

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How Video Can Drive Awareness for Your Healthcare Business

Healthcare business needs to be approachable. Your prospects and existing clients need ways to learn more about you. They prefer to do that by consuming video.

How are you connecting with the people you would like to be your new customers? How are you deepening the relationship you have with your existing clients? Your choice might be making you work harder than you have to.

Consider how most of us consume information. Nearly 90 percent of the information our brain processes is visual, and about 65 percent of us are visual learners. Messages are up to 43 percent more effective when they’re presented to us using graphics or visuals. This means the most efficient way for you to tell the story of your business is with video marketing.

Gaining momentum

Video marketing by healthcare companies is growing. Successful organizations have discovered that privacy issues are easy to overcome – meaning that simple common sense and concern is what drives regulations like HIPAA in the first place. Video marketing by healthcare companies is growing for another common-sense reason, too.

It is what people want

Studies show that consumers prefer to receive information in the form of videos – and for good reason. It’s more memorable than text- or image-based content. It engages more areas of our brain, and we retain what we learn.

Video also allows you to convey emotion and explain extremely complex concepts in a way that text-based information can’t – even when it’s supplemented by images. It’s why the most successful landing pages use video. Research shows it can convert up to 80 percent better than landing pages without a video.

Ironically, even the word “video” is enough to capture attention. Using “video” in the subject line of an email has been shown to increase click through rates by up to 65 percent, open rates by up to 19 percent, and even reduce unsubscribe rates by up to 26 percent.

Education and perspective

Video marketing is an excellent way to build brand awareness because people turn to videos – especially health-related videos – to learn more about problems and symptoms, rather than treatments and solutions.

Healthcare companies are discovering that ex-plainer videos work extremely well to help people learn more about medical problems by allowing them to deepen their knowledge of the cause of symptoms. These ex-plainer videos don’t take the place of a diagnosis, but they do help ease people’s anxiety by arming them with additional knowledge.

This is how it works

Explainer videos are also effective in helping you with customer acquisition because they offer you the opportunity to ask viewers to make an appointment to follow up on what they’ve learned about the problem they’ve been researching online.

Healthcare companies have also found great success by creating product demonstration videos. Just how does that procedure work? What are the steps involved? A video overview can answer many questions and help move a viewer closer to making a decision to contact you.


Depending on the type of healthcare service or product you provide, you can also achieve effective brand awareness with patient testimonial videos. Remember that you don’t own your brand. It exists in your customers’ and your prospects’ minds. And they’re looking for a way to insert your product or service into their worldview.

Video patient testimonials are powerful ways to tell both your success story as the solution provider, and the customer’s success story conveyed in ways that allow others to see themselves benefiting from the same solution.


There are few times when it’s not at least slightly stressful to engage with a healthcare professional. Usually, it’s because we have a medical problem. We’re sick! But there’s a lot of trepidation involved even when it’s an elective choice.

Healthcare companies have discovered that one of the things they must accomplish is removing the barrier between themselves and their customers. It’s an interesting barrier. Establishing your company and your people as authorities and professionals is crucial – but you also have to find ways to make those human connections.

You can do this by creating behind-the-scenes videos. They help your prospects and existing customers become more familiar with your people and your practice, and you’re able to communicate your unique selling proposition.

Your healthcare business needs to be approachable. Your prospects and existing clients need ways to learn more about you. They prefer to do that by consuming video. Find out how we can help you add this effective inbound marketing tool to your online presence.

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